Eel Be Okay MDF Tablo
Eel Be Okay MDF Tablo
Eel Be Okay MDF Tablo

Eel Be Okay MDF Tablo


Fizello Official Store mağazası Fizello Official Store



How does the eel not electrocute itself while underwater? Well... by staying positive! (and giving to a good cause)! I recommend this design on a sticker or a magnet (navigate to accessories). 50% of profits are donated to help Mental Health Awareness and Research! That is 25% of profits go to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and 25% go to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.

Boyut : Ekstra Küçük (13cm x 18cm)

  • MDF (Medium-density fibreboard) Kullanılarak üretilmiştir.
  • MDF Tablolar 3mm kalınlığındadır.
  • Parlak bir baskı ile sunulmaktadır.
  • Tablolar arkasında 3M™ Double Coated Polietilen Köpük Bant bulunmaktadır.
  • Nemli bir bezle silinerek temizliği sağlanabilir.
Kargolama ve Teslimat
  • 750₺ üzeri siparişlerinizde kargo ücretsiz!
  • Bugün verdiğiniz siparişiz yarın kargoda!
  • Haftanın altı günü kargolama
  • Ortalama 2 gün teslimat süresi !
How does the eel not electrocute itself while underwater? Well... by staying positive! (and giving to a good cause)!

I recommend this design on a sticker or a magnet (navigate to accessories). 

50% of profits are donated to help Mental Health Awareness and Research! That is 25% of profits go to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and 25% go to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.
Eel Be Okay
Fizello Official Store

How does the eel not electrocute itself while underwater? Well... by staying positive! (and giving to a good cause)! I recommend this design on a sticker or a magnet (navigate to accessories). 50% of profits are donated to help Mental Health Awareness and Research! That is 25% of profits go to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and 25% go to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.

Fizello Official Store
Fizello Official Store Mağazasının Diğer MDF Tablo Ürünleri
Diğer MDF Tablo Ürünleri
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